The goal of Project Safe Neighborhoods (PSN) is to bring together the communities we serve to reduce violent crime and make our neighborhoods safer for everyone. PSN takes a comprehensive approach to public safety by including crime prevention, public accountability, and effective justice efforts. This approach builds on past successes by integrating proven methods of reducing violent crime with new strategies that will make our efforts more efficient and effective.

Project Safe Neighborhoods Framework

Partnership- Effective violence reduction depends on working in partnership with a wide range of engaged stakeholders working jointly to identify the most significant violent crime problems facing the district and develop a coordinated plan. A key to effectiveness of developing partnerships is to use all available resources, including existing task forces and initiatives, along with community support.

Prevention- Although enforcement is at the heart of violent crime reduction efforts, prevention and deterrence of additional crime are required for lasting impact. Accordingly, PSN now explicitly recognizes that violence reduction partnerships must work to prevent and deter crime by prioritizing efforts such as ensuring public awareness, communicating directly to offenders about the consequences of continuing violent behaviors, and supporting locally-based prevention and reentry efforts.

Accountability- Assessing the PSN program's effectiveness is important. Each community will work to develop ways to measure its impact on violent crime. This framework will enable community partners to develop a violence reduction plan that meets local needs, taking an important step in restoring safety and security to our communities.



Task Force

Waterloo Safe Neighborhood Committee

In 2022, the Waterloo City Council approved the creation of a Task Force on Gun Violence in Waterloo. The goals of the task force are to address gun violence and its causes with the aim of recommending policy for approval to the City Council.